Become a Future Female Leader
Are you a Future Female Leader?
If you are a female identifying student who will be in Year 11 in 2025, at a school in Western Australia, you may be eligible to apply for the 2025 Program. If you have the drive and ambition to lead and make a difference, express your interest today.
Applications for the 2025 Future Female Leaders Program are now closed. Express your interest for the 2026 Program below.

Application process.
We welcome applications from participants from anywhere in Western Australia who are available to invest time into the program across the 6 months between March – September 2025. Your school will need to support your attendance at monthly workshops (virtual and face to face) across the program.
Find out more about the program structure here.

Program features.
6 months program
Year 10-11 girls

Across Western Australia
6 months program
Year 10-11 girls

Across Western Australia
Delivered by experienced educators
1:1 mentoring
Contribution from industry experts
Delivered by experienced educators
1:1 mentoring
Contribution from industry experts
Feedback from previous participants and mentors.
Being a part of this program has inspired me in so many ways from meeting other young women and learning to network, to planning my social project. I have found ways to use my strengths in a meaningful way and developed skills I didn’t even know I had. The content in the tutorials and the social enterprise aspect have taught me how to step out of my comfort zone and lead with direction, with accountability and clear communication.
Kamesha, Participant
I love that it is a program for females and is extremely practical, with a focus on real-worlds problems and solutions designed to set these young women up for the future. The content has been fun and engaging, and everyone has such a positive attitude.
Lia Steeger, Mentor – BGIS
For my future, it has given me the opportunity to see what I am capable of doing and becoming outside of just academics. It has given me the skills that will not only help me in this part of my life but continue to help me become a strong leader and team member in all aspects of my life and working future.
Ajia, Participant

Current and previous Participants.
Meet the current and previous cohorts of the Future Female Leaders Program.
Become a Future Female Leader.
Want to be a future change maker and make a difference?
Applications for the 2025 Program are now closed. To register your interest for the 2026 Program, just simply fill out the form and we will send through more details once the 2026 Program opens for applications in late 2025.