Applications close Friday 6 December 2024








Celebrating Friendship Day
The 30th July was proclaimed International Day of Friendship by the United Nations General Assembly in April 2011 and “places emphasis on involving young people, as future leaders, in community activities that include different cultures and promote international understanding and respect for diversity…Recognising the relevance and importance of friendship as a noble and valuable sentiment in the lives of human beings around the world”.

Friendship, according to, is generally characterised by five features:

  • It is dyadic involving a series of interactions
  • It is a bond based on reciprocity of affection
  • It is a choice with no formal duties or legal obligations
  • It is typically egalitarian with a balance of power
  • It is characterised by companionship and shared activities, and adolescent friendships provide sources of emotional support and opportunities for disclosure based on trust.

Research shows that “as people enter adolescence and adulthood, similarity in terms of attitudes, values and beliefs, as well as shared interests and activities, may be the basis for forming friendships.”

It is no surprise that one of the greatest, most meaningful takeaways reported by our Future Female Leaders has been the wonderful friendships they build with their fellow participants, so today we celebrate the International Day of Friendship and acknowledge the friendships created through the Program and beyond.

The girls share the common bond of joining the program with the shared interest in building their leadership skills, passion to make a difference in the world and of course, the value of living with integrity.

Fourteen girls across Western Australia who start off as strangers as the program commences, they participate in workshops, webinars, group coaching, pitching and networking together and complete the program as friends – coming together to celebrate their individual and collective impact from their social impact projects, and their transformation through their learning, mentoring, coaching and endeavours.

From our kick off session, the girls’ connection was apparent as they quickly and easily conversed, laughed, explored shared interests, and have continued to demonstrate real comradery throughout; offering each other support, encouragement, connections and guidance.  Our 2021 graduates have remained connected well beyond the Graduation and have joined our coaching sessions and pitch events, where available. 

It is not just the girls who connect and bond.  It is a pleasure to see our mentors grow their networks and get to know each other through shared formal and informal events and gatherings.  

It is the Future Female Leaders’ vision that the FFLP networks and friendships remain for years to come as the girls grow together through their careers and in life.  

The Future Female Leaders Program is open for girls in Year 11 in school or college.  Applications for the 2023 program open Monday 19th September 2022.